Barker Realty Logo, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Century Recap: Celebrating Cycling in the City Different

Santa Fe Century cyclists climbing a hill

Santa Fe is home to many traditions–some dating back hundreds of years. Now running for 37 years, the Santa Fe Century has grown from a small group of dedicated riders to thousands from all over the country who want to challenge themselves to a high-elevation 100-mile bike ride. We here at Barker Realty are proud to sponsor the Santa Fe Century for another year and to help ensure the tradition continues for generations to come.



In 2022, the Century started in front of SITE Santa Fe along Paseo de Peralta. A strong cold front pushed in from Colorado, dipping the morning start temp down to 38° and a relentless southerly wind faced the riders as they began. No matter, folks were prepared and eager to start the day.


After passing through the mining-turned-arts town of Madrid and snaking past Golden, NM towards the rural flats of Stanley, the riders faced their toughest test climbing the aptly named ‘Heartbreak Hill’ and facing a stubborn headwind. For those that pushed past and made their way towards Galisteo, their efforts were rewarded with a healthy tailwind back towards town. Our very own brokers and staff, MaryEllen, Louise, Rachel, Catie, Ernie, Stefan, and Kyle were ready at the Galisteo aid station to greet and feed the hungry riders.



Back in the Railyard, at the finish, the awards were held beneath the water tower celebrating the Gran and Media Fondo racers as well as a new award, the Robert Romero Award, dedicated in honor of our beloved manager who was sadly taken from us in 2017. Robert was an avid cyclist and frequent top 3 finishers of the Gran Fondo. In his honor, we celebrate the upcoming riders that show promise and dedication to the sport. 



After the long day, the Railyard Plaza looked like a bike depot as the hundreds of finishers refueled at Second Street Brewery or Violet Crown.  To all the riders that finished despite the winds, cheers to you! We look forward to supporting the Century again next year and seeing you back in the saddle. 



